Coffee Chat Interview Template

Coffee Chat

What is the coffee chat?

This can be conducted virtually or in person. A coffee “Interview” is the most diverse and can be one of the informative interview modules in your ‘quiver.’ You can use it to cover a wide range of topics like culture, presence, communication, etc. We do recommend keeping this informal and unstructured though you should go into this with one or two key goals in mind.

When to have a coffee chat?

  • Activating a passive candidate to interview with your team
  • Some companies use the coffee chat as a culture interview for all their candidates
  • Selling a candidate who has already interviewed with your team


Time: Typically 30 minutes

Interviewer: Anyone

Signals: Communication, Culture, etc.

Introductions (3-5 min)

  • Break the ice
  • Introduce yourself and let the candidate briefly introduce themselves
  • Buy a cup of coffee if applicable!

Here are a few suggested conversation topics:

  • This is a great opportunity to have a candid conversation or ‘heart to heart’ with a candidate.
  • What are their motivators/drivers
  • What are their career goals
  • Why they are interested in your company
  • Why they should join your company
  • Clarify any Red or Yellow flags that may have come up during another interview

Candidate Questions

  • Due to the informal nature of this interview it should be held as a conversation. That said, at the end be sure to provide ample time for the candidate to ask any questions.